Lou Scatigna CFP The Financial Physician

The Financial Physician

On The Financial Physician, host Lou Scatigna, CFP® talks money, markets, politics and other items that affect your financial life. Make sure to join our email list so you never miss a new podcast episode or video!

About The Financial Physician

Do you know the state of your financial health? Perhaps you have made sure to take the precautions needed to keep your finances in good shape. But perhaps, like many people, you have let your finances slip. It is possible that you have made mistakes in your expenditures. Or, perhaps you and your significant other have trouble seeing eye-to-eye on finances. When troubles like this arise, it can sometimes be difficult to even determine where you went wrong. You need someone who can diagnose your financial problems and provide treatment that will work.

That is where veteran financial planner Louis Scatigna, CFP® can help. His weekly radio show, The Financial Physician, helped people handle their financial problems for more than 23 years, and he has since transitioned to making the show available more frequently in podcast form. Lou takes a unique approach to addressing concerns by offering honest, tough-love style advice backed by years of research and experience. One of his specialties is clarifying difficult matters by relating them to physical health concerns.

The Financial Physician offers extensive advice on managing your financial illnesses. This includes providing the unbiased view of someone who has years of experience guiding people through financial recovery. With the help of The Financial Physician, you can see your financial problems cured, and finally get the stability you deserve. Subscribe to our podcast to get your financial ills diagnosed and receive the perfect treatment for your situation.

Most Recent Episode

Show Topics Include (August 6th Show):

  • July Jobs Report Weaker Than Expected (Even Though It’s Rigged)
  • Inflation is set to accelerate as energy prices rise.
  • The Importance of Choosing the Right Financial Advisor
  • The USA Banana Republic indicts President Trump AGAIN.
  • Devon Archer implicates the Biden Crime Family as media covers for them.
  • And Much More!!
Lou Scatigna CFP The Financial Physician

AFM Investments

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